Halfway there

We are officially more than halfway through the year and I’m nearly halfway through my internship. So here’s a bit of an update on what I’ve been doing, the things I’m learning and what’s next.

Creative & Music ministry

So far this year I have been learning a lot about video editing for in-house content such as bible reading videos and reports for events like the Global Missions Convention.

I have also been learning more about livestreaming a church service, including how to quickly adapt to a snap lockdown! The team has been upskilling me in video switching and sound mixing. There’s a lot to learn and I’m still not a pro but hopefully I’m getting better with practice!

Our band has continued to serve together (covid restrictions allowing). Within the band, I’ve started small group discipleship with two of the girls who have expressed an interest in music leading. We have been meeting together to go through the bible passage for the sermon and discuss key ideas and implications that we find. Then we identify key themes and use those to put together a set list and arrangements. The girls have each started leading songs during the service as well.

This has been a really encouraging time of discipleship to see how these young women are growing in their walks with Christ and confidence to serve the church in this ministry.

Serving together as a band in Sunday morning services

English Corner

I have been involved in the Thursday night English corner conversation classes. We started off online and have bounced between face-to-face and online meetings due to changing covid restrictions. I have mostly served with the Beginners group.

Each evening is split into two sections: first there is a general lesson on a topic like Getting around Melbourne, Getting to know your neighbours, The Seasons, etc. The second part is a bible story. I have had the opportunity to prepare and lead lessons, as well as support participants during lessons to practise their English.

On Sunday afternoons, I have been joining the Easy English Bible study group. I’ve been involved in leading and writing these bible studies. From these meetings, I have started meeting up one-to-one with J and we have been going through the ‘Meet Jesus’ stories to get to know Jesus from the Bible.

I have been encouraged and amazed at people’s willingness and desire to have conversations about faith and Jesus. Most people I have met have had very little contact with religion/God or perhaps have had very different life experiences to my own. I have learnt so much about other cultures and how these shape worldviews. Despite these differences, I have experienced a warmth through shared humanity and curiosity to know more about life.

I will be finishing up with the Thursday conversation classes for the year as I transition to other ministries but will continue with the Easy English bible study group on Sundays.

Theology Thursdays

Each Thursday afternoon I have been meeting up with Ps Devin and two other girls from church to go through some basic theological studies. We started with first principles of how to read and teach the bible, first through New Testament and then Old Testament passages. We have also been learning about different forms of theology (biblical vs systematic) and how they each inform our understanding of God’s revelation to us. I’ve been learning so much through our sessions and have really enjoyed the rich discussions we’ve had. I’ve also started applying some of these principles while writing some bible studies for church, most recently for our series through Lamentations and Luke.

Photo by Keira Burton

Accelerate Leadership (CCVT)

As part of the Accelerate Leadership internship through Churches of Christ Vic/Tas (CCVT) I have attended 2 intensives (1-2 days each), the annual CCVT Summit conference and a number of mid-week cohort meet-ups via Zoom. I have also completed a 12 week group coaching program as part of the Momentum course, a discipleship-based leadership program.

Each of these events have challenged me in different ways. I have had the opportunity to meet many new people and hear speakers speak on topics they are passionate about. In particular the Momentum course has challenged me to think about how we work for and with God. My brain is swimming with ideas and I’m excited to be able to apply them in different ministry capacities.

Life outside of church

Mark is settling well into his new job and has recently started returning to the office one day a week. Outside of internship things, I am still knitting/sewing things as a creative outlet. I’m still documenting my makes on Instagram @abbi.makes.

We are still in the process of selling our current home and purchasing a new home. This process has been a bit more stressful than we originally anticipated but God is teaching us how to surrender it to him. We are learning to trust that he will provide in his timing.

Brunch date

What’s next?

I will transitioning out of the Thursday English Corner conversation classes so that I can start supporting and facilitating the Perspectives Course. I completed the standard and advanced Perspectives course a few years ago and will be returning as a facilitator (in training!) so I hope I remember everything I previously learnt!

Our life group is currently undergoing a multiplication and Mark and I have put ourselves forward to lead the new group.

Photo by Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Please pray:

  • Praise God that I have been learning so much through all the various ministries and activities that I have been a part of. Praise God for all the people who have been investing in me and discipling/mentoring me in various capacities.
  • Praise God that I have raised 100% of my fundraising target! Thank you to all who have prayerfully given and supported me in this way.
  • For J as I continue to meet up with her, that she will grow in her understanding of who Jesus is and what his death and resurrection means for her. Pray that the Holy spirit will work powerfully in her that she may understand and believe in the gospel.
  • Pray for my dad who is recovering from surgery and still undergoing investigative tests with the oncology department at Canberra Hospital. Praise God that he has been transferred to Canberra safely from Hobart.
  • Pray I can continue to serve and disciple the people that God has brought around me.
  • Pray for our life group multiplication, that it will work to further God’s kingdom, create opportunities for people to know Christ, and grow existing and new members.
  • Pray that I can transition well from Thursday English Corner to the Perspectives Course.
  • Finally pray for Mark and myself as we prepare for many upcoming personal transitions. Please pray that we will continue to look to God first, seek His kingdom and trust in his provision for whatever lies before us.

Thank you for supporting me in prayer and community this far into my internship. Please let me know how I can be praying for you also! Send me an email abigailkwan@crossculture.net.au or drop me a line via Facebook or Instagram via @abbi__writes.

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